Rebranding Checklist: What to Update When Changing Your Branding

Brand Design Tips

A rebrand can be a powerful way to attract new customers, differentiate your business from competitors, and refresh your image. However, rebranding is a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. And even after it is complete, the task to change over all of your new branding seems equally complex! That’s why I created this rebranding checklist. This checklist will ensure that you update all the necessary areas of your business when changing your branding, from your website to your marketing efforts.

Key areas to focus on are your website, your Customer Relationship Management (CRM), social media, and of course all of your marketing and printed materials. (PS: Do you use or have you tried Honeybook? I’ve used it since the start of my business and can’t say enough good things about it. It keeps all my contacts, paperwork, and financial stuff all in order, PLUS I even have a code for you to get 25% off Honeybook for one year!)

I’m Not Just a Pretty Digital File, Print Me!

Update all areas of your business to reflect your new branding by completing this rebranding checklist. This will help you maintain consistency and accuracy of messaging across all channels, which is crucial for building a strong and thoughtful brand identity. If you can think of any other items I missed, I would love to hear from you so that I can update this list!

Lastly, if you’re looking to rebrand your business and need help creating a cohesive brand identity, this just happens to be my specialty! Send me an email to get started. I have helped so many small businesses connect with their story and add thoughtful touches to their brand identity. This is such a great way to connect your story to your business, create a bond between you and your client, and help you feel like your brand really feels like you. And that’s the most important thing.



Rebrand Checklist

Apr 5, 2023